Villalog (AT)

25/08 | Halle X | Musik

Der Gitarrist Michi Duscher und der Elektroniker Marc Muncke haben sich im Wien der ausgehenden 1990er zusammengetan, um als Villalog elektronische Beats und Frühsiebziger-Gitarrenmusik im Zeichen von Kraut und Psychedelik zu verbinden. Einige Jahre später gesellte sich Bernhard Fleischmann am Schlagzeug dazu, am Konzept änderte sich dadurch nicht viel. Das dritte Album „Cosmic Sister“ lieferte einmal mehr eine lustvoll-krautige Fusion von Disco und Glamrock, Tanzmusik und Improvisation; der Nachfolger „Space Trash“ enstand in Zusammenarbeit mit der Krautrockikone Hans-Joachim Irmler von Faust. – Falter

Michi Duscher – Gitarre
Marc Muncke – Electronics
Bernhard Fleischmann – Drums

︎villalog | Klangbad

Founded in 1999 as a duo, Michi Duscher (guitar) and Marc Muncke (electronics) were subsequently joined by drummer Bernhard Fleischmann, who also produced the latest album.
Live performances by villalog often overflow into controlled drifting. Virtually all tracks have the potential to sink into an endless vortex of sounds that weave into and tumble over one another. This improvisational stream that glides out to the outer limits is at the core of “Space Trash”. The album’s roving sound was initially sparked during a brilliant concert at the 2010 Klangbad festival in Scheer, which in 2013 led to an invitation from festival and label boss Hans Joachim Irmler to record in his own Faust studio. Irmler also became co-producer of the album, reasonable collaboration as it is sometimes puts the focus on letting space and time oscillate. – Klangbad

Michi Duscher – Guitar
Marc Muncke – Electronics
Bernhard Fleischmann – Drums

︎villalog | Klangbad