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Kenji Araki ist ein digitaler Künstler aus Österreich mit Wurzeln in Japan. Seine Arbeiten sind primär von Methoden der Dekonstruktion zeitgenössischer Kunst und Musik geprägt. Die Exploration von Genre- und Mediumgrenzen bilden den Kern seines künstlerischen Schaffens. Seine Werke sind gleichzeitig rau, futuristisch und emotional.

Kenji Araki has made a name for themselves in the European underground scene over the past few years through their contemporary post-club explorations & captivating A/V-Live-Shows. They established themselves as an integral part of the Vienna club scene and became a favorite among critics with their debut album „Leidenzwang,“ released on Affine Records in 2022. Kenji's music, characterised by genre-bending, forward-thinking sound design, and cinematic grandeur, has already been featured at numerous influential festivals across Europe lik Heart of Noise, Unsafe & Sounds, Ars Electronica, MENT, ZEZ Festival & more. As a collaborator, Kenji is active in the pop music realm, working with artists like up & coming Hyperpop-luminary Anthea and producer, dj & promoter YBsole with whom they formed the spectral post-soundcloud emo band enns. Kenji’s music has been released by reputable labels including Affine Records, Ashida Park, and Tender Matter, demonstrating their strong connection to the scene and community.